Midlife Wisdom Sanctuary

A live weekly online gathering

We gather again September 9th 2024 - Early Bird price until August 19th!

What if midlife wasn’t a crisis but a chrysalis, — a time of magical transformation?

Are you needing support right now?

You don’t have to do this alone!

Calling in

Wisdom seekers, Mid-lifers, Peri and Menopausal Women

For many of us, midlife marks a pivotal moment when we begin to question whether our lives are unfolding as anticipated. It's a phase where feelings of missed opportunities and unfulfilled aspirations may arise, accompanied by a sense of estrangement when we peer into the mirror.

Yet, within this juncture lies a profound opportunity for self-discovery and transformation. It's a time when we discern what truly matters and embark on a journey to shape the life we desire.

Indeed, navigating midlife prompts introspection about the path that led us here—a journey marked by the subtle signs of aging, like wisps of gray hair and the creases of time etched upon our faces. Yet, amidst these reflections, a more poignant question emerges:

Where does our future lead, and how do we cultivate joy, purpose, and meaning in the chapters ahead?

Why We Gather

In 2019, when I sought guidance and community, with wise woman, I didn’t find exactly what I was looking for

What I found were programs about how to lose menopausal weight, education on hormones or how to get on hormone replacement therapy, and how to eradicate menopausal symptoms and “get back” to normal.


This “normal” is about looking young, being thin and desirable by society’s current standards.

Completely bypassing the deeper meaning of this time!

Personally, I've been on a journey of deeply listening to the symptoms and changes in my body and honoring the deep intuitive knowing as how to approach this time.

Reclaiming my body from the patriarchy and remembering that this is the most potent time of a woman’s life.

This portal is an opportunity to fully step into our power in a way like never before.

It’s not about making “symptoms” go away and “getting back” to what your body/face looked like when we’re 20 or 30 or 40….

it’s about fully stepping into our power as a wise woman and how we can transcend what society is telling us and instead tap deeply into our own inner knowing.

Honoring, through ceremony, that parts of ourselves that have died away, the maiden and mother archetype and embracing this most powerful archetype and all that she has to offer us.

I leaned into my spiritual practices and deepened my self-care regimen, navigating this transformative period with grace.

I’m offering sisters a reclamation of our bodies and femininity from the colonial/patriarchal/consumerist mindset.

There is immeasurable power when women gather.

Now is the time sisters!

The world needs us to step fully into our power.

Will you join us in making that happen?

My Mission

To empower women at midlife to cultivate deep security and trust in themselves and their bodies, mind and heart.

To reclaim our bodies and definition of beauty from the colonial/patriarchal/consumerist mindset around Women aging!  

As we learn to deeply listen to our intuitive knowing in our passage to becoming a Wise Woman.

Fostering an ethos of curiosity, wonder, joy and soulful connections.

We believe that true fulfillment is found in the journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of a life that is both profound and enduring.

We do this together, in community, being witnessed and held accountable for honoring the cycles of our lives.

Let’s come back to the ways of the feminine. Honoring the cycles of nature as they show up in our lives, our bodies and relationships.

How do we celebrate this?

How to acknowledge all the layers that are present at this stage of our metamorphosis?

We gather!

Join us

Midlife Wisdom Sanctuary

May we take this sacred passage to the next half of our lives, together. 

8 week Live Online Collective

September 9th, 2024

Sessions are live on Mondays 5-6:30pm PST
and combine teaching, facilitation, and group coaching

Sessions will be recorded if you can’t make all the live calls

A potent time to begin a new path that will support you in making the necessary changes to feel amazing!

  You'll receive an abundance of information, tools, resources, support, guidance and community, that will change your life!

Each week there will be practices, and shares, that will support you in reclaiming your femininity and listening to your intuition so that you can navigate this time in celebration and ceremony.

Pillars of Midlife Wisdom Sanctuary

Rituals and Ceremony

Alter Building

Death Ritual

Full and New Moon Rituals for clearing and manifestation

Self - Care Rituals

Daily morning and evening rituals to feel soothed and grounded as you move through your day. 

Gentle step by step guidance on how to cleanse your body, mind, physical space, emotions and energetics so you feel fresh, energized, and spacious


Step FULLY into who you are meant to be at this time….a QUEEN who knows who she is, what she deserves and what she came here to do!

Sensual Feminine Movement

Connect and fall in love with your body through dance and intuitive sensual movement.

Midlife Through a Spiritual Perspective

Exploring new spiritual parties or deepening existing ones.

Meditation / Mindfulness and exercises to connect with inner wisdom and purpose.


Breathwork and somatic practices to release trauma and bring down cortisol levels (one of the biggest issues women in Menopause face)

Healthy Relationships

Honoring your needs, taking up space and learning the fine art of boundaries.

Sacred Sisterhood

Connect to sisters who will become life long allies in this beautiful journey called life.

What you receive


8 1.5 hrs live weekly calls via Zoom

8 Recorded Sessions

1 2-hour closing Ceremony 

For Los Angeles Locals, the opportunity to attend Fire circle and Sweat lodge

 A community What'sApp group - connect with sisters who you’ll love for a lifetime. 

Benefits of this Course

Feel more calm, connected and grounded in your body 

Learn new practices and rituals to navigate some of the most challenging times

Be held in a strong container of love, wisdom and sisterhood

Reconnect to your deepest desires and activate long forgotten dreams

Have consistent guidance and support from Guzel and the community 


Feel connected to the inner most parts of you

Feel embodied in your creativity and ready to move into the Wise Woman era fully empowered

Sisterhood as Medicine

Investment for Midlife Wisdom Sanctuary Experience


The investment for this container is $777. 

You can either pay in full or in 2 installments of $395. 

​Partial scholarships available for BIPOC

  • "I am truly grateful to have met Guzel, she has brought many awakenings in my life. Her presence and love for humanity and our mother "this precious earth" has truly motivated me to step up and also share the wisdom from within. Guzel really brings out the best in others and to take action is scary, but possible. Truly recommend people to meet her. Thank you Guzel for your greatness, spirit of Love."

    — Veronica Gutierrez

  • Guzel created such a comfortable and powerfully energetic space for my healing. Her ability to access insight is a true gift. She is very talented, wise, so calming and compassionate. Guzel's energy is powerful and her work gave me a sense of peace and acceptance during and after my session.

    — Shannon Studstill

  • ​“I survived the pandemic because of Guzel. She has been one of the best mentors and guide. I’ve been able to make the biggest upgrade during a time of great uncertainty. If you’re considering coaching, Guzel has the ability to provide great wisdom and insights that will enhance your life in ways that will support your dreams manifesting into reality. She’s the real deal!"

    — Lisa Anderson

 Life is not what it’s supposed to be. It’s what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

–Virginia Satir